Prospective corridor uses to create a better, more prosperous, and greener way to benefit Canada and the long-term transportation of its high-value resources
Best Use Concepts for the Western Energy Corridor in the Medium to Long-term
Natural Gas Pipeline to Supply Canadian and Global Markets
Natural gas transported from western Canada to Churchill, Manitoba, will help gasify cities, towns, and regions across Northern Saskatchewan and Manitoba, benefiting from low-cost, environmentally acceptable energy supplies.
A world-class liquefied natural gas plant and export terminal near Churchill, Manitoba, will allow western Canada’s natural gas to be transported by small-sized LNG carriers to meet Canadian requirements, including energy needs within Canada’s northern communities.
Large-scale ice-breaking and conventional LNG carriers will allow for LNG deliveries to Canada’s Atlantic and Central provinces and the export of Canada’s natural gas to diverse global markets. A pipeline used for transporting natural gas can eventually transition to a pipeline to transport hydrogen.
Source: Snohvit Website (Snohvit LNG near Hammerfest, Norway, Barents Sea)
Illustrative LNG Export Facility
Blue / Green Hydrogen Pipeline to Supply Canadian and Global Markets
To many, hydrogen is seen as a fuel of the future. In fact, hydrogen is produced today in relatively small amounts as a fuel for industry and transportation.
Broad-based use of hydrogen for domestic and global export markets will require large-scale hydrogen production from natural gas reforming, carbon capture and storage (CCS), and other emission-reduction technologies to make carbon-free hydrogen plentiful and reliable as a future fuel. Preferred green hydrogen, derived from electrolysis using solar, wind, and hydroelectricity, will substantially contribute as a hydrogen source. In combination, these hydrogen fuels could make Canada a significant leader in supplying clean, carbon-reduced hydrogen to Canada and the world.
Source: Australia Energy Information
Large Scale Electricity and Natural Gas Conversion to Hydrogen for Domestic and Export Fuel Use
High Voltage DC Powerline Linking Canada’s Western Provinces with Renewable Energy
The Western Energy Corridor allows Manitoba’s hydroelectric sources to be transported to markets in Western Canada. High-voltage DC electric transmission lines (above ground or buried) would substantially benefit Canada’s GHG emission goals, specifically in Western Canada.
Power from the proposed electric transmission line could supply electric drivers for compressors or pump stations, which are needed for natural gas and oil pipelines co-located within the Western Energy Corridor.
Expanding Manitoba’s immense hydroelectric resources and utilizing the Western Energy Corridor to transport “green electricity” to Saskatchewan and Alberta will assist Canada’s electrification through interprovincial power trade.
Source: Manitoba Hydro Website (Keeyask Hydro Facility located near Gillam, Manitoba)
Illustrative Hydroelectric Generation Facility
Oil Pipeline to Supply Canadian and Global Markets
A crude oil pipeline within the Western Energy Corridor will provide the most substantive economic benefit to all of Canada.
With a specially designed crude oil pipeline between Alberta and Churchill, Manitoba, and an oil export terminal constructed near Churchill, Canada’s environmentally preferred crude oil supplies can be exported to Atlantic Canada and global petroleum markets.
A crude oil pipeline and export terminal at Churchill provide Canada with the fastest and highest economic return. Global crude oil markets are still immense; Canada’s ESG-preferred oil should serve these markets vs. others. In time, these facilities will provide a foundation for transporting future fuels like hydrogen.
Source: Gazprom Neft Website (Oil loading near the Arctic Ocean)
Illustrative Oil Loading Facility
Other potential uses of the Western Energy Corridor:
The Western Energy Corridor is ideal for traditional uses such as pipeline rights-of-way or energy corridors for natural gas, oil, or electric transmission lines. However, for long-term sustainability and best economic use, other potential future uses of an energy corridor are possible, some of which are well understood and others in early development stages.
Other types of prospective uses of an energy corridor might include:
All-season roads, specifically from Gillam, MB, to Churchill, MB.
Expanding fibre optic transmission and communications system to benefit northern Manitoba rural and community regions.
Railway improvements, either new, direct rail line construction or enhancement of existing rail, or installation of high-speed or hyperloop transportation of resources.