Who We Are
Western Energy Corridor is a group of six energy and pipeline executives who have worked together in the pipeline industry for decades. Both collectively and individually, they have successfully initiated, managed and accomplished several major energy projects in North America. This group of energy business specialists exemplifies the best in management, engineering, environmental and regulatory expertise that Canada has to offer.
The following are team members and current development owners of Western Energy Corridor Inc.
Barry Singleton Bryan Singleton
Barry.Singleton@WesternEnergyCorridor.ca Bryan.Singleton@WesternEnergyCorridor.ca
Owners of Singleton Associated Engineering Ltd., Barry and Bryan Singleton, entered the pipeline industry in 1972. In 1979, they incorporated Singleton Associated Engineering Ltd. (Singleton), a successful Calgary-based pipeline engineering firm that provides professional consulting services in the areas of project management, pipeline engineering, conceptual engineering, pipeline route selection, construction planning and estimating, energy project certificate applications, expert testimony, construction management, quality control and assurance and materials handling. Singleton has completed numerous pipeline projects ranging from small gathering lines and distribution systems to major cross-country transmission pipelines, including the Alliance Pipeline (2,320 km) in Canada and the Tuscarora Gas Transmission System (370 km) in the U.S. Singleton successfully managed its Alliance capital budget of $1.8 billion ($5 - $6 billion in today’s dollars) and a multidisciplinary team of over 400 technical staff and third-party subcontractors and a pipeline contractor workforce in excess of 2,500 personnel. Singleton has also provided professional pipeline consulting services to many of Canada’s other major pipeline companies.
Dean Mutrie
Dean Mutrie has been an environmental consultant since 1973 and is a pioneer in the environmental inspection industry. He co-founded the EnForm Pipeline Environmental Inspection course in 1988 and led numerous training courses across Canada and the U.S. for the U.S. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Canada’s National Energy Board and others. He is an internationally recognized expert on the environmental impacts of linear facilities and was sought out by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems committee to author a chapter entitled “Environmental Conservation” in the “Pipeline Engineering” theme. As founder and principal of TERA Environmental Consultants for 27 years, he carried out over 300 pipeline and power line projects totaling more than 30,000 km. Mr. Mutrie has served as Project Director or Project Sponsor for several high-profile linear projects in Canada including the Alaska Pipeline Project, Coastal Gas Link, Westcoast Connector, the Trans Mountain Expansion Anchor Loop Project through Jasper National Park, the Mackenzie Gas Project, the Georgia Strait Crossing, and Alliance Pipeline, as well as several projects in the United States.
Jack Crawford
Jack Crawford, a professional engineer, is currently the President of J.R. Crawford & Associates (a private consultancy) a position he has held since 2009. He has held several positions at the senior executive level, with the most recent being President and CEO of Altex Energy Ltd. (a private energy infrastructure company) from 2005 to 2009. From 1996 to 2004, Mr. Crawford was with Alliance Pipeline Ltd., during the development, construction, and operation phases of one of North America’s largest pipeline systems finishing as Executive Vice President and COO of the Canadian and U.S. divisions. Mr. Crawford holds a BSc., Mechanical Engineering, an MBA, and is certified by the Institute of Corporate Directors in Canada. Mr. Crawford held the position of Chair, Audit Committee, and independent board member of Pacific Northwest LNG providing him with significant learnings and understandings of prospective LNG facilities in Western Canada. He has also served on various private, charitable, and industry association boards including the Canadian Energy Pipeline Association, the Van Horne Institute, and the Calgary Philharmonic Orchestra Society, where he held the chair in 2007-2008.
Norval Horner
Norval Horner has over 45 years of experience in the North American energy industry. He holds an MSc., Chemical Engineering, and is a professional engineer registered in BC., Alberta and Saskatchewan. His career has focused on natural gas and NGL marketing and he has held various engineering roles in the design and construction of major energy plants and pipelines. He gained cryogenic experience as Manager of Engineering with Amoco Canada where his team directed a plant and pipeline construction budget of over $100 Million annually and held integrity management responsibilities for over 7,000 km of pipelines. At Alliance Pipeline, he was Manager, Facilities Engineering, with responsibilities for public safety, integrity, design, and construction of all above ground facilities including gathering, metering, hydraulic design, compression, and delivery systems. Earlier, Mr. Horner was Project Manager for the design and construction of the Aux Sable 2.1 Bcf/d cryogenic NGL extraction and fractionation processing plant located at the terminus of the Alliance Pipeline, near Chicago, IL. He later became VP of supply for Aux Sable and Alliance Canada marketing. Mr. Horner has consulted for the last several years, his most recent role (2016-2017) was expert advisor to the Ontario government assisting them in evaluating the Energy East pipeline project.
Vern Wadey
Vern Wadey has over 36 years of experience in the energy infrastructure, midstream, power generation, and LNG industries, primarily with TransCanada Pipelines and Veresen Inc. (now Pembina Pipeline). His expertise has concentrated on corporate governance, large-scale project development, acquisitions and natural gas marketing. He has held various private board positions, including Alliance Pipeline, Aux Sable Liquids Processing, and Pristine Power. At Veresen Inc., as Vice President of Business Development, Mr. Wadey was responsible for the initial development of the Jordan Cove LNG export facility proposed for Coos Bay, Oregon, and the related Pacific Connector pipeline. He was particularly focused on commercial negotiations and marketing of the LNG export business to global energy markets. Mr. Wadey graduated from the University of Alberta with a B.Sc., Chemical Engineering, and received his MBA from the University of Calgary. In 2007, he earned a Corporate Directors Designation (ICD.D) from the Institute of Corporate Directors, enhancing his corporate board expertise.