We want to create a better, more prosperous, and greener way to benefit Canada and the long-term movement of its high-value resources

Our Mission

Unlike other energy proponent types, the Western Energy Corridor team first examined the merit of multiple energy corridors before determining any specific commodity or market usage. The Western Energy Corridor, linking Western Canada to Churchill, Manitoba, has been designed and intended to contain one or more combinations of a natural gas transmission system, an oil pipeline, or a high-voltage electric transmission system. In the future, as Canadian and global energy needs change, the purpose and use of the Western Energy Corridor will change and potentially move low-carbon fuels such as hydrogen.

Western Energy Corridor Inc. intends to make the corridor available to governments or infrastructure investors who are financially knowledgeable of the requirements to initiate or complete a significant project. While concepts for a corridor from Alberta to Manitoba have been suggested many times during the last 60 years, this is the first serious initiative to create an actual energy corridor. This corridor has been conceptualized and planned to follow through to development including, but not limited to, terrain analysis, cost analysis, conceptual engineering, environmental and regulatory requirements, construction, and operation such that all areas of Canada can materially benefit from its existence.

What We Have Achieved

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Western Energy Corridor Inc.’s Regional Assessment Requests to the Impact Assessment Agency of Canada (IAAC)

Click on Thumbnails to see Correspondence