Western Energy Corridor
Designed and developed to allow for the competitive movement of Canada’s valuable energy commodities utilizing prudent environmental and citizen-respected development
With a total length of approximately 1,560 km, the Western Energy Corridor is a means to aid the development of environmentally sustainable and renewable energy projects in Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba. The Western Energy Corridor, conceptually designed for long-distance pipelines and high-voltage DC power lines, will directly allow for the expansion of Canada’s renewable energy resources.
Commercially viable renewable energy resources in Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba, including wind, solar, geothermal, and large-scale hydropower, can be developed in connection with any pipelines and power lines located within the Western Energy Corridor. An economic base is provided by moving natural gas and/or oil eastward from Western Canada to Churchill through the Western Energy Corridor, with potential large-scale hydropower moving westward to Western Canada, offsetting substantial carbon usage, and reducing Canada’s overall greenhouse gas emissions.
Canada has a surplus of oil and natural gas available for export. Broadening its energy trade will be a significant step towards financially benefiting all Canadians through market expansion to other Canadian regions and to global markets, such as Europe, Asia, Southeast Asia, and South America. All this can be achieved while providing an environmentally acceptable corridor and the opportunity to move green energy within Canadian markets.
The Western Energy Corridor has the potential to supply green energy to citizens and northern communities across a section of Canada that, today, must often access energy that is highly carbon intensive, high-cost or, in some cases, unreliable.
Over the long-term, the Western Energy Corridor will provide for new and enhanced usage as the global consumption market transitions from carbon-intensive energy demand to other exportable commodity resources such as hydrogen.
Western Energy Corridor Inc. has created high-value technical and economic report material, regulatory filing documents and information, and detailed satellite-derived photomosaic maps of an All-Canadian energy corridor connecting Western Canada to tidewater at Churchill, Manitoba.
Who We Are
Learn about the senior industry leaders that developed and are proposing the Western Energy Corridor
Our Mission
Find out about our mission, our methods, and our resulting work materials
Our Offering
Western Energy Corridor work materials are available for contribution to a larger scale resource development initiative
Snohvit LNG Module Transported by Barge